Controlling Humidity Means More Electricity

Wind turbines can’t produce electricity if they are offline for repairs or maintenance. Dehumidification of towers and nacelles can greater increase operational time due to humidity issues like corrosion and condensation.

Wind Farm

Environment Stabilization Systems®

Mobile Dehumidifier

Logis-Tech’s patented Controlled Humidity Protection (CHP) business method known as ESS® (Environment Stabilization System®) is designed to provide the most cost effective equipment protection program in the industry. These systems dramatically reduce maintenance costs and increase equipment utilization and availability.

ESS® systems in government studies have shown a 9-to-1 or higher return on investment (ROI) with capitalization costs recovered in less than one year. ROI and capital recovery depends on the application

Humidity Challenges for Wind Turbines

From perhaps the time before they leave the factory, but definitely during shipping, assembly and operation until their last day, your equipment will be under attack from the elements. Sensitive parts and electronics in the nacelle and structural components on the inside of the tower are all subject to harsh environments and high humidity. After all, where there are winds, there are the elements.

No matter inland or coastal, high humidity will induce problems, failures, and extra maintenance requirements, all leading to downtime.

Protect Your Nacelles and Internal Tower Infrastructure

A properly designed and installed dehumidifier operating at low amperage and voltages can fix most common humidity issues. Closed or open looped systems can be designed depending on location and requirements. Purging moisture to the outside as clean water or water vapor and recirculating dry air in the controlled space. These units can become more efficient and run less and less in a properly sealed environment.

Simple local control, onboard data logging and remote monitoring via common cellular carrier options are available.

Your Benefit:

Decrease Corrosion Based Repairs and Maintenance Requirements

Increase Mean-Time-Between-Failure Rates for Corrosion Susceptible Components

Increase Uptime for Greater Revenue

Improve Your Metrics for Reliability and Service Costs

Why Logis-Tech?

For over 30 years Logis-Tech has been in the innovation business. We have delivered dry air to thousands of systems with widely ranging requirements worldwide for military and commercial clients in some of the harshest environments on earth.

Ready for a customized dehumidification plan?

Ready for a customized dehumidification plan?

We would love to talk with you and understand your situation. We can work with you and your budget to conquer your moisture problems.

For questions or more information about controlling humidity for your application, please contact us at 800-974-9771, or fill out our form.