Controlling Humidity Means Higher Readiness
Aircraft are expensive machines with intricate and complex systems and technologies. Failure can be catastrophic in financial and human terms. Aircraft suffer while operating in extreme weather and climate, but even more damage may occur when on the ground and in storage.
Regardless of civilian, commercial or military ownership, these assets are expected to function smoothly without issue when needed. Storing both fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft with the benefits of humidity control saves you time, money and will increase readiness and availability when needed.

Dehumidifiers and Systems

MDU 300E
The MDU-300E has an output of 300 scfm and is designed for application on helicopters or small aircraft on the flight line or in a hangar setting. The trailer mounted unit is fully air transportable and meets all current safety and usage requirements for flight line or hangar operations.
This MDU™ is designed for use on many types of aircraft including HH-60 Pave Hawk, F-15 and F-22 fighter aircraft, C-12 as well as U.S. Coast Guard H-65, H-60, HU-25 and HU-144 aircraft. This unit is also equally well-suited for use on small to mid-size private and commercial helicopters and aircraft.
The MDU-300E is available in 220VAC/1Phase/50-60Hz, 230/3Phase/50-60Hz or 460VAC/3Phase/50-60Hz models.

The MDU–750PPC has an output of 750 scfm and is designed for application on large body aircraft such as the C-130, KC-135 and C-17 on the flight line or in a hangar setting. The MDU™ is fully air transportable and meets all current Military safety and usage requirements for flight line operations or for hangar use.
Equipped with a pre-cooler and post-cooler the MDU™ provides consistent, reliable moisture removal operations in severe high humidity/high temperature environments and is applicable to multiple types of large body aircraft by a simple change out of the AIA.
This MDU™ is equally well-suited for use on large private and commercial aircraft.
The MDU-750PPC is available in 208 – 230/3Phase/50-60Hz, 380VAC/3Phase/50-60Hz or 460VAC/3Phase/50-60Hz models.
Humidity Challenges for Aircraft Maintenance and Storage
Aircraft endure a vast range of weather and temperature conditions in flight. Different parts of the plane can be at varying temperatures at the same time due to their complex design and their structures featuring many different types of materials.
This creates the ideal conditions for the formation of condensation and the corrosion of ferrous materials. Increased condensation leads to product degradation leading to high maintenance costs and safety issues. Traditional heating and fans cannot handle the many problems caused by uncontrolled humidity and condensation.
Protect Your Aircraft During Maintenance and Storage
Don’t let moisture ruin your aircraft. In commercial aviation, revenues generate when aircraft are in service. For military operations, force effectiveness is dependent on combat readiness and the number of aircraft being serviceable at that time.
Increase your readiness by utilizing hangar based dehumidification units or relocatable flight line approved trailer mounted systems.
Logis-Tech dehumidification systems reduce maintenance and delay costs from your operation budget.
Your Benefit:
Lower Corrosion Induced Failures
Reduced Spares Stocking and Utilization
Improved Mission Availability and Reliability of System
Improved Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) Rates
Independent Assessment Showing 9 to 1 ROI and Greater Possible
Why Logis-Tech?
Logis-Tech specializes in controlling humidity to enhance your combat readiness, reduce your maintenance and improve your equipment reliability. Using scalable and flexible “dry-air” delivery systems and space envelopes, we can have positive impact on your Total Ownership Costs.
Our patented and field proven Environment Stabilization System® (ESS®), developed through partnership with Navy under the Small Business Initiative Research program, will reduce corrosion-induced failures, lower spare requirements while increasing weapons availability and reliability leading to improved systems Mean Time Between Failures Rates (MTBF).
ESS® can be implemented at the unit level, but really has cost impact when integrated at the program level. Logis-Tech is ready to deploy solutions at any level and remember…
Combat Corrosion = Combat Readiness
Ready for a customized dehumidification plan?
Ready for a customized dehumidification plan?
We would love to talk with you and understand your situation. We can work with you and your budget to conquer your moisture problems.
For questions or more information about controlling humidity for your application, please contact us at 800-974-9771, or fill out our form.