Controlling Humidity Means…
…Satisfied Customers Which Leads to Even More Happy Customers

Uncontrolled humidity will destroy your customers’ belongings over time. Mold, mildew, corrosion and pest infestations thrive under humid conditions. Driving temperatures below 70 degrees, even to 65 degrees, will not stop these issues, but will waste a lot of dollars on energy! ONLY driving the Relative Humidity (RH) below 50% will stop these problems.

HVAC only handles one half of this CLIMATE equation effectively.

CLIMATE = Temperature + Atmospheric Moisture

Logis-Tech’s True Climate Control™ (TCC™) and Environment Stabilization Systems (ESS®) are built to control your real climate conditions and requirements.

Self Storage Dehumidifier

Environment Stabilization Systems®

Mobile Dehumidifier

Logis-Tech’s patented Controlled Humidity Protection (CHP) business method known as ESS® (Environment Stabilization System®) is designed to provide the most cost effective equipment protection program in the industry. These systems dramatically reduce maintenance costs and increase equipment utilization and availability.

ESS® systems in government studies have shown a 9-to-1 or higher return on investment (ROI) with capitalization costs recovered in less than one year. ROI and capital recovery depends on the application

Humidity Challenges for Self Storage

The growth of climate controlled self-storage and warehousing has increased dramatically over the last decade. Demanding and educated clients seek state of the art, top of the line protection for their possessions. To meet these demands, new facilities are incorporating climate control at the blue print phase and older facilities are being retrofitted to incorporate some sort of environmental protection. An inaccurate assumption is made that heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are all that is needed to protect customer goods, business reputation and to create a market differentiation and competitive advantage. decreasing AC life, while increasing the monthly electricity bill.

But to effectively control the climate, you must also control humidity. Many “climate controlled” self-storage facilities only control temperature using HVAC, but HVAC alone is inadequate due to the following reasons:

  • Typical refrigerant type air conditioners cannot dry the atmosphere to below 60% humidity during peak ambient conditions.
  • Air conditioning systems generally do not operate in the evening and early morning hours when it is cooler, but the humidity is also at its highest at these times.
  • In winter, the condenser unit of an HVAC system that as a byproduct removes moisture from of the air may not run at all.
  • That using HVAC system to dry the air requires the air conditioner to work overtime. Air conditioners (AC) are designed to lower the sensible load (temperature)  but not the latent load (moisture). The system must run longer to do both, decreasing AC life, while increasing the monthly electricity bill.
Self Storage Dehumidifier

Your Benefit:

Eliminate Mold, Mildew, Corrosion and Pests

Eliminate Condensation on Walls, Ceilings and Floors

Eliminate Musty Smells

Reduce Damaged Goods Customer Complaints

Increase Unit Availability by Reducing Water Damage Remediation

Marketing Benefit

Increased Rental Rates

Why Logis-Tech?

Logis-Tech’s True Climate Control™ (TCC™) and Environment Stabilization Systems (ESS®) are built to control your real climate conditions and requirements. As an experienced systems integrator, we are able to select from the best dehumidifier units, ducting options and controls technology. We are not tied or contracted to any one vendor, allowing us to tailor YOUR solution to YOUR needs.

We have completed over 70 self-storage facility humidity control installations (over 1.5M ft2) Nationwide utilizing our patented TCC™ and ESS® products.

We have self storage humidity control solutions for:

  • New Construction, Retro-Fit Replacement and Augmentation of Existing HVAC Systems
  • Inside Hallways, Outdoor Roll-ups and multi-floor locations
  • RV and Boats
  • Containers and Pods

Ready for a customized dehumidification plan?

Ready for a customized dehumidification plan?

We would love to talk with you and understand your situation. We can work with you and your budget to conquer your moisture problems.

For questions or more information about controlling humidity for your application, please contact us at 800-974-9771, or fill out our form.